Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to Remove Scour (Uninstall Guide)

Scour is a meta search engine that combines search results from Google, Yahoo, MSN and integrates real time search results from social networks to deliver the most relevant search results. is the official website of this meta search engine. But you can also install Scour Toolbar or web browser search plug-in and use it directly from your favorite web browser. Although, Scour is not a virus or any other type of malicious software, we often receive emails from our readers saying that they can't remove Scour from their computers completely and that they didn't even install it. Well, we just want to remind you that Scour toolbar and similar applications are often bundled with freeware or shareware software. We haven't found any evidence that Scour comes bundled with malicious software. Anyway, we totally understand you that it's quite frustrating when your search results are being redirected to especially when type something into Google or any other search engine, hit search, click on a certain search result link and you get another search engine instead of the page you was looking for. To remove Scour from your computer, please follow the steps in the removal guide below. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. Good luck and be safe online!

Scour removal instructions:

1. Go to the Start Menu. Select Control PanelAdd/Remove Programs.
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, select Control PanelUninstall a Program.

2. Search for Scour Toolbar in the list. Select the program and click Remove button.
If you are using Windows Vista/7, click Uninstall up near the top of that window.

Alternate removal: run C:\Program Files\scourtoolbar\uninstall.exe

3. Download free anti-malware software from the list below and run a full system scan.
NOTE: With all of these tools, if running Windows 7 or Vista they MUST be run as Auto Infoistrator. Launch the program and follow the prompts. Don't forget to update the installed program before scanning.

Remove Scour in Internet Explorer:

1. Open Internet Explorer. Go to ToolsManage Add-ons.

2. Select Toolbars and Extension. Choose Scour Toolbar from the list and click on Disable button.

3. Select Search Providers. Select Scour - Search Socially and Sourc Search and click Remove button to remove it.

Remove Scour in Mozilla Firefox:

1. Open Mozilla Firefox. Go to ToolsAdd-ons.

2. Select Extensions. Choose Scour Toolbar and click Uninstall button.

Associated Scour files and registry values:

  • C:\Program Files\scourtoolbar\install.ico
  • C:\Program Files\scourtoolbar\scourtoolbar.dll
  • C:\Program Files\scourtoolbar\toolbar.ini
  • C:\Program Files\scourtoolbar\uninstall.exe
Registry values:
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AppDataLow\Software\scourtoolbar
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\scourtoolbar
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