Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Remove antivirusexpertsoft.com and avexpertsoft.com (Free removal)

Antivirusexpertsoft.com and avexpertsoft.com are two misleading websites related to Antispyware Soft malware. These two websites are identical and full of false information about rogue antivirus program. They don't host malicious or harmful files at the moment, but you should still avoid them as the situation may change at any time. Note that if your computer is already infected with Antispyware Soft you may see antivirusexpertsoft.microsoft.com and avexpertsoft.microsoft.com in your web browser's address bar. Of course, this doesn't mean that Antispyware Soft is somehow related to Microsoft. That's an old trick, but it's still very popular and makes the whole scam look more realistic.

If you find that your computer is already infected with Antispyware Soft virus or you are being constantly redirected to antivirusexpertsoft.com or avexpertsoft.com, then please follow the Antispyware Soft removal instructions. Also, of you have any questions or additional information about this threat, don't hesitate and leave a comment. Good luck and be safe!

Screenshot of antivirusexpertsoft.com and avexpertsoft.com

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