Monday, May 10, 2010

Remove (Free removal) is a misleading website that promotes the rogue anti-spyware program called Virus Protector. At first glance it doesn't look like a harmful website, but actually it is. It hosts harmful files, though the download link is not visible on the main page. As a typical misleading website it provides false information and displays fake awards on each page. There is also a possibility to purchase Virus Protector directly from But of course, you shouldn't do that.

If your PC got infected with Virus Protector, you will notice that right away. The rogue program reports false system security threats like every few minutes and prompts to pay for a full version of the program to remove the infections which don't exist. Your documents and other data should be safe, however, you need to remove Virus Protector and any related malware from your computer as soon as possible. Please follow Virus Protector removal instructions. Also add to the list of harmful websites. If you have any questions or additional information about this virus, please leave a comment. Good luck and be safe!

Screenshot of

Virus Protector purchase screen

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