Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Remove Find-fast-answers.com (Uninstall Guide)

Find-fast-answers.com is a search engine/search engine hijacker that may return limited/unrelated search results or redirect you to various sponsored websites full of advertisements. The website itself is not malicious but the methods used to promote this search engine are clearly inappropriate. Whenever you Google something and click on a search result, you may be redirect to Find-fast-answers.com or spam/bogus websites. Some users say it's the Find Fast Answers redirect virus, however, that's not exactly right. It's not a virus but a type of malware, probably a rookit or a Trojan horse that has ad-clicker or redirect module. Cyber crooks have to monetize traffic and this could be one of their methods alongside scareware, ransomware and online surveys. If you have been receiving these annoying redirects, then your computer is infected by malware. It is also worth mentioning that Find-fast-answers.com associated malware may block certain security products and disable Windows security center. First of all, you should use TDSS and ZeroAccess removal tools and then scan your computer with several anti-malware programs. Then remove all unnecessary/temp files, uninstall suspicious ad-ons and browser extensions. To remove Find-fast-answers.com search redirect malware from your computer, please follow the removal instructions below. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or send us an e-mail. Good luck and be safe online!

Related malware:

Find-fast-answers.com web browser hijacker and associated malware removal instructions:

1. First of all, download and run TDSSKiller by Kaspersky.

2. Then scan your computer with recommend anti-malware software (STOPzilla) to remove this virus from your computer.

NOTE: in some cases the rogue program may block anti-malware software. Before saving the selected program onto your computer, you may have to rename the installer to iexplore.exe or winlogon.exe With all of these tools, if running Windows 7 or Vista they MUST be run as Auto Infoistrator. Launch the program and follow the prompts. Don't forget to update the installed program before scanning.

3. And finally, use CCleaner to remove temporarily and unnecessary files from your computer.

Associated Find-fast-answers.com files:
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\mazuki.dll
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr0.dat
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr1.dat
  • C:\WINDOWS\system\BCBSMP35.BPL
  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\sstray.exe
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